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We help you in your strategy for growth and transformation.

Talman Group - Services

We are our clients’ strategic partner, with coverage of the whole of the national territory. A team of specialised consultants in talent management, who for more than 20 years have been helping to implement our clients’ strategic plans by incorporating the best talent and attracting the executives best suited to their companies and to each position.

“Our experience, intuition and professionalism are our principal tools”

Our work does not simply consist of recruiting executives, but of closely “reading” and understanding organisations, defining the profiles required for each position, and finding and seducing the most suitable candidates by aligning the company’s strategic plans with the executives’ personal and professional careers so as to achieve mutual, long-term development and growth.

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We are much more than an EXECUTIVE SEARCH company. Founded in 2002, we are a “boutique” which accompanies our clients and provides them with a talent-management service of high added value, which is critical for all organisations. We are strategic consultants who treat each project as singular and unique.

Our work is about people from companies with culture and personality, into which we harmoniously insert people with potential so that they can develop their careers and pursue their expectations and their hopes.

Our addition of value begins where artificial intelligence ends

We are an extension of our clients, and we accept this with responsibility and commitment.


Expertise, methodology and rigour as a guarantee of success.

We help to grow and transform companies through their executives by supporting the professional development of people.

We access specific companies directly to find the most suitable professionals. We identify, assess and entice them with a project, ensuring a perfect match between corporate culture and talent.



  • Identification of the need in situ. Mission, expected contribution, environment, exploration of the situation, critical factors.
  • “Reading” of the company. Culture, values, formal and informal organisation.
  • We advise on the formulation of the need based on the situation in the marketplace and our knowledge of similar business environments.


Definition of profile, mission and responsibilities

  • Conversion of the need into a mission. Description of the principal duties and responsibilities.
  • Definition of the most suitable professional profile.
  • Assignment of the team for the project.


and search

  • Definition of the search strategy.
  • Market study.
  • Compilation of the target list of companies.
  • Localisation and identification of potential candidates.
  • Contact for presenting the project and assessing degree of interest and suitability.
  • Presentation of the long list.


Evaluation, assessment
and choice

  • In-depth interviews (three for finalists) to make a detailed assessment of professional and personal capabilities, and also the motives for changing and the real interest that the project represents.
  • Choosing the short list.
  • The checking of references.
  • The writing and presentation of reports.


and closure

  • Presentation of candidates and co-ordination of interviews.
  • Support in the negotiation of the contract.
  • Tracking the candidate’s performance.

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